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I am a local home based business in Johnston, Iowa creating custom decorated apparel specializing in glitter vinyl and rhinestone accents.
PHONE: 515-249-0502 (may text this number)
Wallace Elementary
Welcome to the Wallace Elementary spiritwear proshop at The Bling Factory. Please have fun browsing on the following pages. You can place your order right on this website and part of the proceeds will go directly to the PTO. Please note that some listings are for the "design" only and require you to pick and purchase the apparel item separately. Other items, such as the hats come with the design as shown in the picture of the item. The plan is for finished items to be delivered to the school office and sent home with your son or daughter, therefore, we MUST have the name of your student so please click on the FIRST BOX below to enter that info. If you prefer to pick it up yourself in the office or at my home in Johnston, please be sure to click on the SECOND box below where you can make your appropriate selection so that we handle your order accordingly. Should you have any other questions, you can email or contact us through this website via the contact us page. Thanks and have fun shopping!
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